segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2011

Poemas da Saga Twilight


Edward Cullen

His body is hard as stone
and his touch as cold as ice.
His voice as smooth as silk.
His thirst is his only vice.

Vampires don't exist.
That's what I was always told.
But Edward never changes.
He will never grow old.

His family is kind
though conventional at best.
They consider me one of them
though I am not one yet.

I deem myself unfit
for the love that he bestows.
I still have no idea
why it was me he chose.

His immortal kiss is coming.
Better late then never.
But I know this fact is true,
only a vampire can love you FOREVER

by Lianamoore


Fire & Ice

Love is in the air,
two opposites attracted to each other,
Fire & Ice coming closer,
We don't know who'll get burned or freezed,
but they do no harm to each other.

One question crosses my mind again & again
What is the summary of this love?
The lion surely fell in love with the lamb,
He was a great car enthusiast,
She a geeky book lover,
Their respective worlds were worlds apart,
but once they crossed over to each other,
No one could stop the eternal kiss that followed,
The lion & lamb lived happily ever after.

The lion loves speed,
and has no interest in Jane Austen's,
The lamb,on the other hand,
Reads & reads & reads & reads.
The lion is all masculinity,
the lamb is all fragileness,
The lion has no softness,
the lamb has no toughness.
The lion is brave,so is the lamb,
but in their respective ways,
one physical,the other mental.

The lion's heart is silent,
but he hears the lamb's heart,
Her blush makes him realize,
that she's a beautiful maid.
She's joyful when she hears his voice,
her mind tries to store it.
She knows that the lion's heart is inside her,
She thinks that she ain't good enough for him,
until she becomes just like him.

She trades her soul,
for the sake of his love,
Now that's precisely true & unselfish love.
Though the lamb should have been eaten by the lion,
because Nature's Food Chain says so,
yet in the end,the lamb changes,
transforming into a beautiful lioness,
as deadly as him.

If you ask me,would you trade your soul
to be with the one you love?
I say I shall do so gladly,
because my man will ETERNALLY be my own!!!

by Anushka

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